So while Ren is indeed the all high matriarch and token female of the household, she isn't the showy kind of cook, and there are definitely meals that she is better at preparing. In fact, Ren has taught me how to cook some things that I didn't learn about when growing up.... things like sponge cakes. That's not to say that I don't have my skill sets, as mine tend to centre around savory foods and Ren, the sweet.
Over time, my pet foodie projects have resulted in a significant impact on Ren's cookery style, range, knowledge, and habits since I've invaded her life. Invasion may sound like hyperbole, but it isn't. I literally displaced most of her kitchen gear, and stocked her up on a lot of unusual ingredients, then made room for three book shelves worth of recipe books, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. I'm sure the details are too boring to you dear reader... but here is the result:
{unitegallery Rens_Kitchen}
Ren doesn't like me taking photos unless the result is at least... close to "perfect". As we learned about baking bread, she slowly took over from me but didn't take photos. Nonetheless, learning, tinkering and developing mad food skills is a process that you'll see in the gallery over time.
Incidentally, you may have seen a couple of pics here and there of her kitchen antics in other articles. Things like her pretzels and here, her initial batches of making chocolates. She has gotten much bettter since then and I'll try to add some more pics as she makes them and wonders off long enough for me to take a cheeky pic. :-)
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this gallery.